Mastering the Art of Negotiating a Raise: A Step-by-Step Guide for Career Advancement


Asking for a raise can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you don’t feel fully prepared to make your case. However, by understanding the importance of asking for a raise, preparing properly, and knowing how to navigate the conversation, you’ll increase your chances of success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to negotiate a salary increase in a professional and effective manner.

Table of Contents

  1. Why it is important to ask for a raise
  2. Preparing for a raise request
  3. Asking for the raise 
  4. What to do after getting a raise
  5. Conclusion

1. Why it is important to ask for a raise

The squeaky wheel gets the grease

Research shows that a strong predictor of wage growth is trait assertiveness and being more inclined to ask specifically for a wage increase. The concept of the squeaky wheel getting the grease is rooted in the idea that those who speak up and make their needs known are more likely to receive attention and resources. We may wish this wasn’t the case, but data supports it. By actively advocating for yourself and asking for a raise, you increase your chances of receiving a salary increase.

Wage growth and inflation

Wage growth has not kept pace with inflation. This means that if you haven’t been receiving significant wage increases over the last several years, you are falling behind in terms of real purchasing power. By actively pursuing raises, you can help ensure that your salary keeps up with inflation and remains competitive within your industry. If you settle for a standard cost of living adjustment of 2-4%, you are essentially accepting a pay reduction in terms of what you are actually able to purchase with your wages. 

2. Preparing for a raise request

Make sure you are worth the money

Before you even consider asking for a raise, it’s crucial to ensure that you are worth the money you’re asking for. To determine your value, you must first assess your performance and contributions to the company. It’s essential to remember that employers are inclined to offer higher compensation if they recognize that the value you generate significantly outweighs the costs associated with employing you. In other words, if your boss sees that you’re a powerhouse of productivity and a true asset to the company, they’ll be more eager to open up the wallet and reward your efforts.

A common mistake many employees make when approaching their performance and development is trying to do everything they are asked as well as they possibly can. While it may seem like the right approach, it can actually work against you. By putting in extra effort to only your assigned tasks, you may appear less efficient compared to colleagues who can complete the same tasks without putting in the additional time.

The key is to balance doing everything you’re asked to do adequately, without going overboard, and then focusing your extra efforts on creating value in ways that your employer never asked for. Going the extra mile in this way shows that you have more to offer and are dedicated to helping the company succeed. Once you have consistently met your boss’s expectations and have focused on incremental value creation, you’ll be in a better position to ask for a raise.

Gathering the data

When it comes to gathering the data to support your raise request, it’s essential to approach it methodically and comprehensively. Start by collecting information on your performance and the value you have added to the company. Focus on translating your achievements into tangible results, such as increased revenue, enhanced customer satisfaction, time savings from improvements, and cost reductions. These metrics will help you build a strong case when discussing your raise.

In addition to your performance data, it’s crucial to research what the market is paying for your position. Utilize fair market salary assessment tools from free sources such as Glassdoor,, and Indeed to gather salary comparison information for your role. By comparing your current salary to the market average, you can better understand your position and determine a fair raise request. If you’re in a highly compensated role, consider investing in a market rate assessment from professional services, like Payscale or Mercer, to gain a more accurate understanding of your worth in the job market.

By arming yourself with relevant data on your performance and market value, you’ll be better equipped to confidently and effectively negotiate a salary increase. Remember, the more prepared you are with facts and figures, the more persuasive your case will be when it’s time to discuss your raise with your manager.

Setting your target raise amount

When determining your desired raise amount, consider the following factors:

  1. Your current salary in relation to industry benchmarks and your experience level
  2. The value you’ve added to the company and the impact of your accomplishments
  3. Your long-term career goals and how a raise will help you achieve them

Consider asking for a specific percentage or dollar amount increase, but be prepared to negotiate and provide justification for your request.

Timing your request

Choosing the right time to request a raise is crucial for a successful outcome. Timing your request strategically can make all the difference in your manager’s receptiveness to your proposal. First and foremost, consider your company’s typical process for giving raises. If there is a standard procedure or a specific time of year when salary adjustments are made, be sure to align your request with that timeline. This will demonstrate your awareness of company practices and show that you respect the established system.

Another aspect to consider is the overall performance and financial health of your company. If the organization is experiencing a period of growth and success, your manager may be more inclined to entertain your request for a salary increase. On the other hand, if the company is struggling or facing financial difficulties, it might be best to postpone your request until a more opportune time. Or perhaps even consider a position at a company in a financial position to adequately reward your efforts.

Lastly, it’s important to evaluate your personal performance and recent achievements. If you’ve just completed a significant project or received a positive performance review, capitalize on this momentum by initiating the raise discussion shortly thereafter. Your recent accomplishments will be fresh in your manager’s mind, making it easier for them to see the value you bring to the organization.

Timing your request thoughtfully and strategically is essential for successfully negotiating a salary increase. By considering your company’s practices, its financial health, and your recent accomplishments, you can increase the likelihood of receiving the raise you deserve.

3. Asking for the raise

Setting the stage

If there is a company process for issuing raises, follow it. If not, or if that time has passed, ask your boss for a time to talk. You don’t want to blindside your boss, but you also don’t want to have this conversation prematurely when the boss inquires about the topic of the meeting. Consider scheduling a separate meeting specifically to discuss your compensation.

Framing the conversation

Begin the conversation by focusing on your performance and value creation. Provide examples of your incremental value creation and translate your results into value for the company. Use a confident and professional tone, and avoid sounding confrontational or overly emotional.

Negotiating and counter-offering

When discussing your desired raise amount, be prepared to negotiate. If your boss offers a lower amount, provide justification for your original request, and consider making a counteroffer. If your boss asks you to provide a figure first, use the research you’ve done on market rates and your performance to support your request.

If you’re looking for even more assistance with negotiation, I highly recommend the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. The author, a former FBI hostage negotiator, shares captivating case studies of high-stakes negotiations, explaining why he advocates for never splitting the difference. This book ranks among my all-time most recommended books and offers advice applicable to both personal and professional situations. You’ll gain invaluable knowledge that will undoubtedly aid you in the negotiation aspects of securing a raise, but it will also provide valuable strategies to navigate a wide variety of situations in bot your personal and professional life.

Handling objections

If your boss is hesitant or raises objections, listen carefully and respond with empathy. Address their concerns by providing additional evidence of your value and accomplishments, or by suggesting alternative forms of compensation (e.g., additional vacation days, flexible work hours, etc.). If your boss still won’t budge, consider mentioning your research on market compensation, but be prepared for the possibility of seeking a new opportunity elsewhere.

4. What to do after getting a raise

Maintaining performance and gratitude

After your raise goes into effect, don’t let up! Increase your performance as a sign of gratitude and continue to demonstrate your value. Start thinking and planning for the next raise or promotion immediately.

Long-term career planning

Take the time to reflect on your career goals and how your raise fits into your overall trajectory. Consider the following:

  1. How does your new salary align with your long-term financial goals?
  2. Are there additional skills or experiences you should pursue to further increase your value and earning potential?
  3. Are there opportunities for advancement within your current company, or should you consider exploring new opportunities in the future?

By staying proactive and engaged in your career development, you can continue to enjoy success and growth in both your professional and financial life.


Mastering the art of negotiating a raise is a valuable skill that can significantly impact your career advancement and financial wellbeing. By ensuring that you are worth the increase, gathering supporting data, timing your request strategically, and effectively navigating the negotiation process, you can put yourself in the best position to achieve the salary you deserve. Remember that perseverance and continuous self-improvement are key to your success, both during and after the raise negotiation. By implementing the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you are well on your way to making a strong case for your value and reaping the rewards of your hard work and dedication. Embrace the journey and keep pushing forward in your quest for professional growth and financial success.

In the spirit of continuous self-improvement and career growth, I highly recommend checking out Napoleon Hill’s book, How to Raise Your Own Salary. The book may be a bit dated, but it offers valuable transcripts of conversations between Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie. Despite its age, the book’s core principles remain relevant today, providing unique insights into successful salary negotiation strategies. By applying the principles outlined in Hill’s book, you’ll be well-equipped to take control of your professional journey and get the compensation you deserve. Combine this knowledge with the tips and strategies shared in our blog post, and you’ll be on your way to successful salary negotiations and career advancement.